So... I've been such a slacker this month with blogging. Nothing too interesting to blog about. So... I decided since thanksgiving is this week, I would blog about some things I am thankful for!
I am thankful that I am NOT pregnant at this very moment! I can wait everyone! Sienna will have a sibling soon, I'm just not ready yet!
I am thankful for my loving, patient, and hot husband! Love you babe!
I am thankful for Bibs! They are needed often in my house currently!

I am thankful for the wonderful birth of my beautiful baby girl Sienna Eva! It was only 8 hours of labor and she went easy on me during the pushing. She had the best timing! I worked my last shift before I went on maternity leave, and she appeared the next day. BEAUTIFUL SWEET GIRL!!! I love you so much!
I am thankful for my grandma Bea beating cancer and living everyday to the fullest! She is 84 and doing great! I'm so glad she is a strong woman!
I am thankful for my friends and all the laughter they bring to my life! "That's what she said" will never get old! The office rocks! Thank your Bobbi for getting me started on blogging! It's awesome to share memories with everyone!
I am thankful for sleep! It's so rare and so precious!
I am thankful for the Kansas City Chiefs! Ok they are horrible this year, but football season is the best time of the year. There's always next year...
AND last but not least... I am thankful for our dog Vince. He is an awesome baby entertainer. Very gentle and curious about Sienna. He is the best dog anyone could ask for. Thought everyone could get a good laugh from this picture. He is such a good sport being Dino for Halloween this year! VIN DOG!