We had a lot of fun on Sienna's first Christmas. We got up early at 6 because I had to go into work for 4 hours. Sienna was ready to open all her gifts! Santa spoiled her with lots of toys and clothes. She liked the bows and kindove ripped the paper from the boxes. She was so excited to play with everything. Sam was so tired he ended up opening my mom's gift (Disney scrapbook kit). He was very disappointed. He actually got the Batman movie, CD, a tie organizer, and many clothes. I got gift cards for a massage at aveda spa in Layton, Michael's, and Maurices. We also received Disneyland passes, Omaha steak dinners, and gift certificates for Wendover from all of our parents! We visited all our family that day and had lots of fun. Thanks everyone for making it a Christmas we will never forget!

Sienna and Griffin love the train that goes around Grandma Annette and Grandpa David's Christmas tree.

Christmas Eve jammies with cousins Alex, Sydnee, Madi, and Mo

Opening gifts at Aunt Darcy's house with Alexis and Griffin

Sienna's favorite toy at Grandma Pat's, a jumping snowman

Grandma Cheryl with Sienna's cute Santa hat

Christmas day at my parents house

I think she was satisfied with Santa's delivery

Nativity play on Christmas Eve at Grandpa Brian and Grandma Pat's house. Sienna got to play Jesus since she is the youngest cousin. Madison ,who was playing Mary, said that "Jesus just pooped her pants." It was the best line of the entire play!
From left to right-cousins- Stockton (shephard), Alex (wiseman), Jackson (shephard), Morgan (Big yellow Star), Madison (Mary), Sienna (Jesus), Devon (Joseph), Julianna and Sydnee(Angels)

Santa with Sienna and Griffin

Sam and Santa (Grandpa Sam Sr.)