We ran the Wasatch Ragnar Relay again this year. It was a lot of hard running. Sam did leg 1 which consisted of 20 miles (6.9 miles, 8.3 miles, and 4.8 miles). I did leg 6 which equalled 18.1 miles (6.9 miles, 8.1 miles, and 3.1 miles). It was different being in van 1 and I think I liked it much better. We had a lot of fun and a little more sleep this time. Our awesome team 1 van had Todd, Lorey, Soyna, Sarah, Sam, and I. My work (SDCH) sponsored the race for us so we had a rental mini-van and got free shirts. Not sure if I will do the Wasatch Back race again because I didn't sign up for next year, but would love to try out the Ragnar races in other parts of the country. The Florida Keys would be my dream run! It does keep me running and its nice to have a goal in mind when training. We will see what next year brings...

Decorating the van the night before. Go Striptease Part 2!!

Co-workers on my team-Lisa, Bobbi, Lorey, Kacey, Justin, me

Gotta love Sam's outfits he comes up with. It was freezing when we started 7:00 am, otherwise he would have been the streaker he wanted to be!

Starting line at Utah State in Logan

Enjoying the beautiful scenery with my Lorey!

Gearing up for the night run

Getting ready for my second leg of 8.1 miles up to East Canyon! It was rough but I did it. Love running in the dark in the middle of no where-- uphill!

Sam handing off to Sonya! She was an awesome last minute fill in and a hoot to hang out with!

All nice and rested-- ready to do our last run! Ha!!!

Todd ready to give away that slap bracelet!

Team Striptease Part 2

At the finish line in Park City with our medals and precious stickers!