Sam and I have been running pretty consistently the past 3 months. Some girls from my work were trying to get a relay team together for the wasatch back that is in June. Unfortunately we are on the waiting list, so I'm not sure if we will be in it or not. But it has motivated me and Sam to both get back in shape. So three days before the Ogden marathon, Sam decided to run the half-marathon and they had one spot open for a VIP. It costs $200 but you get gear, a free massage, and a goodie bag. And some of it is tax deductible. The VIP's get their own shuttle, port a potties, and get to keep their gear on the bus. He was a little nervous before it started, but he finished in 2 hours. It was faster than he thought he could do, so he was way excited. I had to work again, so I wasn't even able to be there to cheer him on. But thankfully grandma Annette took some pics for me. THANK YOU!!! I'm going to do the West Haven 5K and the South Weber 5K if the relay doesn't work out. I don't feel ready for the relay, but want to do it so bad! I want to feel that runners high, and not the sore muscles anymore! I'm so proud of my hubby for doing this on such short notice! Your Awesome!
ALMOST to the finish line!

Sienna was able to hang with Dad after the run. They had a lot of booths and food for everyone. Ogden City can do a good job of entertaining for all you haters out there!
That is awesome to run without training! Being a VIP sounds pretty sweet, it was probably worth the money. Good luck with your 5K's.
YAY Sam, way to go! Maybe next year I will be there too!
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