Sienna is such an outdoors kind of girl! She loves to play outside on her slides, pushing her car, or feeding the horses. Now that the weather is a little more chilly, we are having a hard time keeping her cooped up in the house. We did catch a few days that were still warm and took advantage of it.
There is a river walkway in Riverdale. In the 31 years I have lived in South Weber, I have never even been there or even heard much of it. Sad because it is only 10 minutes from our house. It was pretty nice. It's paved and they even have a Ultimate Frisbee course through out it. I was surprised that people were playing Frisbee. Kindove funny to watch. There were a lot of bikers and runners on the course also. Sienna had a great time with all the bugs and flowers.
We also went to Beus' pond in Ogden and fed the crazy ducks. They must have been starving because I have never been so close to a duck or swan before. It made me a little nervous of how close they would come up to you. Sienna also loved the little park next to the pond. She thinks she is just as big as the 5 year olds and is now daring to go down the big slides all by herself. Hope there are a few more warm fall days ahead of us before the snow hits!!!
Hanging out on daddy's shoulders

Look at my photography skills-so professional I know!

Smelling the sunflowers

She will literally inhale the entire flower
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