Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tag 6-6-6

-Go to the document/my pictures site on your computer
-Choose your 6th file
-Choose your 6th picture
-Blog about it
-Tag 6 people
I finally got to this tag! The picture is really lame but it looks like it could be a postcard. We went to St. Louis and Kansas City to the see the Chiefs play against the New York Jets in 2005. It was an awesome NFL game. The chiefs killed them! We went to St. Louis too because there really isn't that much to do in Kansas City. It was a four hour drive from Kansas City to St Louis. Sam has never been to arch so we decided it would be worth the drive. But when we got there, the Arch was closed so we didn't get to go up, not that Sam would have anyway. But we at least got to look around the museum they have there. We also went and saw the Cardinals play that night. The weather was so hot, I remember sticking to the stadium seats. The humidity is horrible there! We will return soon---when the Chiefs get better!
I TAG---Lisa, Shauni, Kami, Melanie, Lanae, Amy

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